U.S. National Libraries of Medicine / South Central Region
Mobile Systems Education and Resources for Consumer Health (MSEARCH) Bring Your Own Device is a electronic skill building program focused on educating seniors’ how to navigate National Libraries of Medicine (NLM) health information website using mobile device technology. Partnerships developed with the City of Houston Health Department and Baker-Ripley Neighborhood Centers Inc. has provided outreach opportunities to access senior populations. This program is an expansion of the Operation Computer Literacy Increasing Consumer Knowledge for Seniors (CLICKS) program that was initially developed and successfully implemented by the Greater Houston Region in 2010. As a result of these programs, approximately 273 seniors from 14 community organizations learned basic computer and Internet navigation skills necessary to access the credible health websites
All of Us Project
U.S. National Libraries of Medicine / South Central Region
The All of Us Research Program is a key element of the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI). Through advances in research, technology, and policies that empower patients, the PMI will enable a new era of medicine in which researchers, health care providers, and patients work together to develop individualized care.
Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalition
“995,000 Kids in Texas are exposed in their own home to secondhand smoke.”
Texas AHEC East Greater Houston Region and The Waller County Alliance for Lifestyle Choices coalition (WALC) received grant funding from the Department of State Health Services known as “Tobacco Prevention Control Coalition” (TPCC). The funding created an opportunity for Junior High and High School children to become community liaisons in efforts to eliminate the use of tobacco because it is the leading preventable cause of illness and death in America. Heart disease and stroke is the number one illness caused by smoking. Many people including thousands of children are victims of secondhand smoke and its effects which result in the same cancer causing chemicals as those who smoke. The High school TPCC youth have been instrumental in providing tobacco education to the Waller County Elementary Schools with an estimated reach of 4,500 students and adults in the community; the passing of a Smoke Free Ordinance in Hempstead Texas (county seat) estimated reach of 6,600 citizens and presenting the Prairie View City council to pass a Smoke Free Ordinance (pending council signatures) estimated reach of 6,100 citizens. We have received tremendous support from Mayor Wolfe of Hempstead, Mayor Allen of Prairie View and Judge Mariam Jackson of Hempstead for our efforts in Waller County